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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 0 Verified and 7 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Benton, WA

location-map Benton , WA | (509) 257 3759

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There is hope! What I specialize in: anyone who has experienced childhood trauma, and those suffering with chronic pain, EMDR certified. You can find life more peaceful and simple with increased connection with yourself and others. Being willing to reprocess the past with EMDR is the most effective way to treat current symptoms. Connection with others is a basic human need. I am sure whatever your symptoms are they are impacting your relationships. This is what is causing the most suffering. We all need relationships to feel happy and content. We will explore past trauma, increasing contentment. This is NOT traditional talk therapy. View 5 Photos We can work together to make this a reality for you. You are unique and your circumstances need specific support. Life doesn't have to be full of conflict or heartache. You can tolerate anything with confidence and calm. I am certified in EMDR and use a Buddhist mindset to support our work. This is hard work, but the result is life changing. It can be difficult to reach out for help, especially in our current culture where it is extremely difficult to find a therapist with availability. I would love to hear from you and learn about your specific needs. Fit is so important and trusting your therapist is key. My clients are ready to do the deep work and are ages 25+.

location-map Benton , WA | (425) 979 7268

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I have worked in community mental health since 2012. I have a lot of experience working with most disorders in the DSM-5. I have worked with clients that have anxiety disorders, ADHD, PTSD, depression, mood disorders, personality disorders, schizophrenia, and other disorders. My ideal client is anyone that wants to make a change in their life and is willing to do the work it takes to achieve their goals. I work with clients to do a comprehensive assessment where I supply a diagnosis or diagnoses. From there treatment begins. I use a wide array of treatments. My main mode of therapy is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). I specialize in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). I have also taken several additional continuing education credits for working with the LGBTQ+ population, specifically transgender clients. I have significant experience in diagnosing, treatment planning, and crisis planning/management. I have significant experience in working with clients with severe mental health problems and those that are in crisis. I also work with people who are highly suicidal and self-harm. I am a very determined therapist and am willing to do anything I can to help my clients as long as they are willing to help themselves. I encourage clients to work hard.

location-map Benton , WA | (509) 724 2144

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Dr. Cole provides fair and transparent psychological evaluations, neuropsychological assessments and parenting evaluations for use in a wide variety of settings; legal, educational, and governmental agencies. The mission of Kenneth Cole Counseling is to provide thorough professional and ethical psychological testing and forensic evaluations that are accurate and timely to all clients in order to achieve maximal social justice.

location-map Benton , WA | (509) 478 1870

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Got his master's in Counseling Psychology at Walla Walla University, College Place. He has worked with individuals and couples in College Place and in the Tricities for the last 5 years. He has attended all the Core Skills for EFT counseling and is working towards certification in this as well. He is passionate about helping his clients move toward their full potential and helping couples heal and maintain lasting bonds. Working with couples is is his specialty. Termino su maestría en Psicología en la Universidad Walla Walla. Ha trabajado con individuos y parejas durante los últimos 5 años. Ha asistido a todos los entrenamientos Core Skills para el asesoramiento de EFT y también está trabajando para obtener la certificación en esto. Su especialidad es trabajar con parejas. Hablo español.

location-map Benton , WA | (509) 266 0778

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Does life feel out of control? As a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist, and a Certified Partner Trauma Therapist, trained in ART & EMDR, I specialize in helping individuals find hope, recovery and healing from infidelity, porn/sex addiction, partner betrayal trauma, PTSD, depression/anxiety, grief, loss, and divorce. I am licensed in Washington, Idaho, Oregon and Hawaii, and my goal is to provide a safe space where clients find and give voice to their stories and achieve personal growth, empowerment, and change through self-compassion and self-care, while challenging the patterns and barriers which prevent them from living joyfully. I help individuals find ways to get unstuck, heal, and repair relationships through attachment and the creation of new and healthy patterns. I utilize research/evidence based tools found in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT), Gottman’s Couples Therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) and Neurofeedback techniques. Se habla Espanol. I am passionate about helping my clients find healing through self-understanding and self-compassion as they work through current situations by breaking through trauma, challenges, unhealthy patterns, and barriers from the past. I believe in the power of safety, connection, and attachment, and I hope to assist you in achieving your goals.

location-map Benton , WA | (509) 713 7525

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Are you in need of something more, something else? Is there something missing, void, or lacking? Searching for a difference? These questions may have you considering therapy, let me accompany you in a journey for the answers. View 4 Photos The Therapy Corner is a space to discover your potential along with the means to enact positive change and live your best possible life, an opportunity to comfort and enrich your soul.

location-map Benton , WA | (509) 732 9327

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My approach is to provide psycho-education on a number of different topics as they come up organically so that you can learn in conjunction with healing. I use a trauma-informed care approach and aim to keep the therapeutic space as safe as possible: I take this very seriously and know safety must be present in order for true work to happen. You are the one who ultimately decides where we go and my ultimate role is to be right by your side on your journey of healing and exploration. My primary counseling approach with clients is EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). I find EMDR incredibly exciting and powerful for clients, which is why I have made it the focus of my practice. As of July 2023, I am a Certified EMDR Therapist. I truly love the work I do and consider it an honor to work with every single on my clients, especially as I appreciate how hard the work of healing can be.